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Access To Doctors: Court To Give Judgement On Detained Nnamdi Kanu’s Suit Against Nigeria Secret Police, DSS In July

June 20, 2023

SSS, Nigeria’s secret police, is also called the Department of State Services (DSS).

A Federal High Court sitting in Abuja has fixed July 20, 2023 to give judgement on the suit filed by Nnamdi Kanu, the detained leader of the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) against the State Security Service (SSS).

SSS, Nigeria’s secret police, is also called the Department of State Services (DSS).

Kanu, through his team of lawyers, had sued the DSS and its director general as the first and second respondents in the matter.


In the suit marked FHC/ABJ/CS/ 2341/2022, Kanu urged the court for permission to apply for an order of mandamus to compel the DSS to allow him unhindered access to his medical doctor, among others.


On February 1, the court granted Kanu the permission to apply for an order of mandamus he sought after an ex-parte motion moved by Ozekhome to the effect. But in a preliminary objection filed by the secret police, it urged the court to dismiss the suit for want of jurisdiction.

It argued that there was a subsisting judgement of a sister court delivered by Justice Taiwo Taiwo on June 3, 2022, in suit number: FHC/ABJ/CS/1585/2021 between Kanu and DG of DSS and two others wherein the court dealt substantially with the issue of allowing the IPOB leader access to his physician.


In a statement released by Ifeanyi Ejiofor Esq, lead lawyer for Nnamdi Kanu on Tuesday detailing the incidents of the court proceedings.


Ejiofor said his team’s application has been held on merit and the court is ready to give its judgement in the next 30 days.





The statement reads: “Today, Onyendu’s indefatigable legal team, ably led by the Man of Letters, Prof. Mike Ozekhome, SAN, was on hand to deliver it in the only language the Law and Court understands, and it was indeed an excellent outing.

“The application was heard on its merit and consequently, adjourned to the 20th day of July 2023, for Judgment.

“Meanwhile, Onyendu’s lead Counsel – Prof. Mike Ozekhome, SAN, only yesterday, wrote to the Director General of the State Security Service, requesting him to allow Onyendu access to his Medical Doctors visiting to interface with him and receive his formal engagement, if satisfied with the outcome of his meeting with them.

“Be assured, Ezigbo UmuChineke, that we shall not leave any stone unturned to ensure that Onyendu did not only regain his freedom but have that done unconditionally.


“Let me use this medium to further assure Ezigbo UmuChineke that Onyendu’s legal team, ably led by Prof. Mike Ozekhome, SAN, is more resolute than you can ever imagine, to ensure that Onyendu is freed as soon as possible. The legal team’s feet are standing firmly, and there is nothing, I mean, no amount of distraction, can shift our eyes from the ball.”