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All Nigerians Must Join Nationwide Protest Against Hardship, Even If NLC Leaders Back Out – AAC Party

August 1, 2023

The AAC made this known in a statement released on Tuesday by its National Publicity Secretary, Femi Adeyeye, saying that it is time for Nigerians to unite and rise against what the party described as an imposed hardship on millions of Nigerians by President Tinubu’s “cruel regime.”

The African Action Congress (AAC) has declared its full support, solidarity and readiness to join the Wednesday planned nationwide mass protest declared by the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) in demand for reversal of the hiked fuel price by the President Bola Tinubu-led Nigerian government.

The AAC made this known in a statement released on Tuesday by its National Publicity Secretary, Femi Adeyeye, saying that it is time for Nigerians to unite and rise against what the party described as an imposed hardship on millions of Nigerians by President Tinubu’s “cruel regime.”

The party, while calling on its supporters and Nigerians to join the Wednesday mass protest, charged Nigerians not to back out on their demands even if the “bureaucracy” backs out, saying that Nigerians are in the worst form of living crises of their lives.

The statement read, “The African Action Congress (AAC) has posited for the umpteenth time that the imposition of the anti-people, neo-liberal capitalist, ruinotocratic policies on the masses of Nigeria is a menace that must not only be condemned on pages of newspapers, but also reversed and smashed on ground.

“Nigerians are in the worst form of living crises of their lives. Petrol, electricity, food, education, healthcare, and such other essential ingredients of life have been taken away from the reach of common people, especially by this Bola Tinubu regime of the anti-progressive All “progressives” Congress (APC).

“The masses are angry and the sufferings are biting hard to the bones. No sane person would ever say things should continue like this. It is tritely scientific that a body would continue to be stagnant if pressure is not applied. Civil disobedience is the first rule of survival. Every human must have the right to say NO.

“It is in this vein that the African Action Congress (AAC) aligns with the demands of the NLC strike and protests and calls on our members, supporters, and all Nigerians to join the Wednesday August 2nd Nationwide Mass protests called by the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC). We also want to say that people must organize beyond any limited structures. In clearer terms, do not back down even if the NLC bureaucracy backs out.

“Nigerians must know that there is no sanity in patience while a big economic war is frontally waged against the people. The time to win is NOW!”