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Nigerian Soldiers Protecting Chinese Nationals From Terrorists In Niger State Accuse Army Commanders Of Corruption, Diversion Of 3 Months Allowance

September 18, 2023

The soldiers numbering 191 were attached to some Chinese nationals working at the ongoing Zungeru Hydro Electric Power Dam project in Niger State.

Some personnel attached to 1 Division, Nigerian Army, Kaduna State, and 31 Artillery Brigade Minna have accused their Commanding Officers of corruption and financial mismanagement.

The soldiers numbering 191 were attached to some Chinese nationals working at the ongoing Zungeru Hydro Electric Power Dam project in Niger State.

According to some of them who spoke to SaharaReporters, the General Officer Commanding (GOC) of the division, Major General Bamidele Alabi and Artillery Brigade Commander, Brigadier General Jamiu Jimoh had been diverting their allowances.

The soldiers lamented the non-payment of their Ration Cost Allowance (RCA) in the last three months despite being on special assignment in Zungeru.

They said that the situation was causing hunger and depleting their morale.

According to the aggrieved soldiers, the development demonstrates their superiors’ insensitivity to their enormous sacrifices for the country.

They called on President Muhammadu Buhari; Chief of Army Staff, Lt Gen Taoreed Lagbaja; Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) and National Assembly members to intervene in the matter.

“We soldiers from 1 Division in Kaduna and 31 Brigade in Minna, on special assignment to Zungeru have not been paid our RCA in the last three months. We are about 191 posted to safe guard the Chinese expatriates working here in Zungeru Dam,” one of the aggrieved soldiers told SaharaReporters.

The money is our operation allowance known as RCA. it's a monthly allowance paid to soldiers on special operation or war front. N45,000 when the month has 30 days and N46,000 when it’s  31 days. But unfortunately, Major General Bamidele Alabi and Brigadier General Jamiu Jimoh have refused to pay us.

“We are the ones guarding Chinese nationals from terrorists but those in the office are enjoying the money. We are also aware Chinese people have paid our commanders but for them now to pay us is the problem, knowing fully well that we cannot protest. We want the Chief of Army Staff to know about this too.”

Another soldier told SaharaReporters that the special unit would soon witness a complete breakdown of order and discipline over the unpaid allowances and alleged bad treatment by their commanders.

In 2022, two Chinese expatriates working at the Zungeru Hydro Electric Power Dam project were abducted by terrorists.

Meanwhile, SaharaReporters’ efforts to get the reaction of the Nigerian Army were unsuccessful, as its spokesperson, Onyema Nwachukwu did not answer his calls as the phone rang out.

A text message sent to his mobile line was not replied to at the time of filing this report.