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Police Commence Investigation As Explosion Killed Six, Injured Others In Plateau State

Police Commence Investigation As Explosion Killed Six, Injured Others In Plateau State
October 14, 2023

It was learnt that two others were also injured in the incident that happened in the early hours of Saturday.

No fewer than six persons have been reportedly killed by an electrical explosion in Kabong Central Community, a suburb within Jos North Local Government Area of Plateau State.



It was learnt that two others were also injured in the incident that happened in the early hours of Saturday.



The explosion at a transformer was said to have triggered fire within the vicinity, which sent shockwaves throughout the area, according to a community source.



“The blast sent shockwaves throughout the area, causing widespread panic and fear among the residents. Also destroyed are shops, with losses estimated to be in millions of naira.”



The Plateau State Police Command Spokesman, DSP Alfred Alabo who confirmed the Incident, noted that investigation has commenced to unravel what led to the fire incident.



He said, “Yes we are aware of the incident at Kabong Central, which claimed the lives of six people and left two critically injured.



“One of the injured persons is receiving treatment at Bingham University Teaching Hospital, Jos, while the other is receiving treatment at the Jos University Teaching Hospital.



“As I speak to you, I have visited the family of the deceased on behalf of the Commissioner of Police, Julius Alawari, to condole with them.



“However, preliminary reports said that the fire incident was caused by an electrical explosion in the area.



“But I can’t really say what actually happened, as investigation has commenced to unravel what led to the fire incident," he added.