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Gunmen Abduct, Kill Traditional Ruler In Imo State As Nigerian Police Launch Manhunt

Gunmen Abduct, Kill Traditional Ruler In Imo State As Nigerian Police Launch Manhunt
November 27, 2023

A community source said the traditional ruler was abducted by gunmen whose identity had yet to be identified on Saturday morning, at his palace in Otulu.


The Imo State Command of the Nigeria Police Force has confirmed the gruesome killing of the traditional ruler of Otulu Autonomous Community in Ezinihitte-Mbaise Council area of the state, His Royal Highness, Eze Joe Achulor.

According to reports, some gunmen operating as kidnappers allegedly shot and killed on Saturday evening.

His assassination is coming barely 24 hours after the gunmen also assassinated the ward chairman of the Peoples Democratic Party in the nearby Ife/Akpodim/Chokoneze Ward in the same Ezinihitte Mbaise Local Government Area of the State, Chiedoziem Anyanwu.


A community source said the traditional ruler was abducted by gunmen whose identity had yet to be identified on Saturday morning, at his palace in Otulu.


Hours later, the lifeless body of the monarch was found along Mbutu Community Road, in Aboh-Mbaise LGA, a neighbouring community same Saturday in the night.


However, the development has caused panic in the areas as nobody seemed to know the reason for the renewed killings.


According to the community source, who spoke to journalists in Owerri, “Eze Joe Achulor has been murdered by unidentified gunmen after he was whisked away yesterday morning.


“The gunmen did not demand any ransom as all efforts to locate their whereabouts proved abortive.


“Unfortunately, on Saturday night, we discovered his dead body along Mbutu Community Road. This is tragic! It is terrifying.


“I do not know why this insecurity is left to thrive in Imo and many lives have been destroyed. As I’m talking to you now, there is palpable fear within the Mbaise axis as everyone continues to process the new trend of killing. Government needs to do something drastic to curtail this.”


Confirming the incident, the Command's Spokesman, ASP Henry Okoye, called for calm, noting that the command had launched a manhunt of the assailants.


“The Commissioner of Police has declared a manhunt on the killers of the traditional ruler,” he said.


SaharaReporters had reported on Friday that the PDP ward chairman in the area, Anyanwu was fatally shot by gunmen riding on a motorcycle.


According to sources, the hoodlums had on arrival at his house, mentioned his name and requested to see him. On identifying him as the one, they shot him dead.


His killers were said to have ensured that he was dead before they fled the scene.