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Hamas War: Israeli Tank Fire Kills Reuters Journalist, Wounds Six Others In Lebanon

Hamas War: Israeli Tank Fire Kills Reuters Journalist, Wounds Six Others In Lebanon
December 7, 2023

An Israeli tank crew have reportedly killed a Reuters journalist identified as Isaac Abdallah and wounded six other reporters in Lebanon in the ongoing war between Israel and Hamas.


Reuters reported on Thursday that its investigation found that Abdallah was killed and his colleagues wounded on October 13 when an Israeli tank crew fired two shells in quick succession from Israel while the journalists were filming cross-border shelling.


The news agency stated that the two strikes killed the 37-year-old Reuters visuals journalist, Abdallah and severely wounded Agence France-Presse (AFP) 28-year-old photographer, Christina Assi, just over a kilometre from the Israeli border near the Lebanese village of Alma al-Chaab.


Reuters said it spoke to more than 30 government and security officials, military experts, forensic investigators, lawyers, medics and witnesses to piece together a detailed account of the incident.


According to the news agency, it reviewed hours of video footage from eight media outlets in the area at the time and hundreds of photos from before and after the attack, including high-resolution satellite images.


As part of its investigation, Reuters also said it gathered and obtained evidence from the scene including shrapnel on the ground and embedded in a Reuters car, three flak jackets, a camera, tripod and a large piece of metal.


