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Court Remands Two Palace Thugs Over Death Of Ex-Councillor In Lagos

December 14, 2023

SaharaReporters reported on November 11, 2023, that the duo while reportedly working for Baba Oba of Oworonshoki, Baale Idris, allegedly killed one Honourable Shamsideen Alli, a former councillor Ward ‘B’ - Oworonshoki.

A Lagos State Magistrate Court sitting at Yaba has remanded in a correctional centre, Taiwo Lukmon and Nofiu Nurudeen for the alleged killing of Shamsideen Alli, a community activist in the Oworonshoki area of Lagos.

SaharaReporters reported on November 11, 2023, that the duo while reportedly working for Baba Oba of Oworonshoki, Baale Idris, allegedly killed one Honourable Shamsideen Alli, a former councillor Ward ‘B’ - Oworonshoki.

The duo were said to be the right-hand men of Oba Babatunde Saliu.

They are identified as Nurudeen and Lukmon Taiwo, aka Bobalabe of Oworonshoki.

It was also reported that the police had launched a manhunt for the duo.

However, the suspects were later arrested and arraigned in court on Wednesday on two counts bordering on conspiracy and accelerated death of Shamsideen Alli by the Lagos State Police Command.

The charge marked No A/157/23 reads: the Commissioner of Police vs Taiwo Lukmon 'M', aged 62 and Nofiu Nurudeen 'M', aged 43.

According to the charge sheet SaharaReporters obtained on Wednesday night, the accused persons pleaded not guilty following which the trial magistrate ordered that they should be remanded in prison custody.

The magistrate adjourned the matter to January 29, 2024, for the hearing of the formal application for their bail.

The Court also ordered the case file to be duplicated and for the same to be forwarded to the Directorate of Public Prosecutions for legal advice.

The counts read: "That you TAIWO LUKMON 'M' and NOFIU NURUDEEN, on the 11 day of November, 2023, at about 0845hrs, at Oworonshoki area of lagos state, in the Lagos Magisterial District, did conspire amongst yourselves to commit felony to wit: Acceleration of death of one SHAMSHIDEEN ALLI 'M' and thereby, committed an offence punishable under section 411 of the Criminal Law of Lagos State 2015.

"That you TAIWO LUKMON 'M' and NOFIU NURUDEEN, on the 11 day of November, 2023, at about 0845hrs, at Oworonshoki area of Lagos State in the Lagos Magisterial District, did accelerate the death of one SHAMSHIDEEN ALLI 'M' and thereby committed an offence punishable under Section 218 of the Criminal Law of Lagos State 2015."

The counsel for the family of the late Shamsideen Alli, Ayo Ademiluyi Esq from Lead Partner, Newworth LLP confirmed the arraignment to SaharaReporters on the telephone.

SaharaReporters had reported that a community source said that Precious Seed Community, Oworonshoki was in disarray as the two suspects came into the community claiming some amounts from the deceased who was erecting some blocks on a pathway.

The source quoted the Divisional Police Officer of Oworonshoki station to have said that the deceased had been to the police station to report the case of some elements carrying items such as "iron rods and cements, which were suspected to be items used in constructing waterways in a street of the community".

Continuing, the source said, "The DPO visited the pathway and concluded that the space be blocked. While the deceased was carrying out the assignment, Nurudeen and Lukmon appeared to stop him unless he paid some amount.”

"He refused and they pounced on him, hit planks on him and he slumped. Bobalabe dumbfounded, carried him into his car, straight to the hospital," he said.

Meanwhile, it was gathered that the deceased was confirmed dead at the hospital and the doctor referred them to a General Hospital.

"On stepping out of the hospital, the culprits took to their heels," the source added.