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How Cameroon’s Ambazonian Militants Retaliated In Cross River Community By Killing Clan Leader, Displacing Residents After Nigerian Army Attack

How Cameroon’s Ambazonian Militants Retaliated In Cross River Community By Killing Clan Leader, Displacing Residents After Nigerian Army Attack
December 27, 2023

SaharaReporters learnt that soon after the Nigerian security personnel left the community, the Ambazonian militants retaliated by killing their traditional leader.

Ambazonian militants from the Republic of Cameroon have launched a retaliatory attack on Balegete community in the Obanliku Local Government Area of Cross River after a clash with the Nigerian Army.


SaharaReporters learned that Ambazonian militants on December 5, 2023, invaded Balegete with weapons and injured a lot of residents. The invasion led to the intervention of the Nigerian Army and police who came to the aid of the residents of the community and killed one of the militants in the process.


SaharaReporters learnt that soon after the Nigerian security personnel left the community, the Ambazonian militants retaliated by killing their traditional leader.


A letter obtained by SaharaReporters from a member of the community, Elder Kechie John E., which was addressed to the Head of Local Government Administration in Obanliku council, alleged that Ambazonian militants kidnapped the traditional leader of the community and some youths during the retaliatory attack and forced them to bury their deceased members.


It was noted that during the attack, the militants shot dead the traditional leader and displaced many residents of the community.


The letter reads: “Balegete is a community in Becheve ward in Obanliku Local Government Area of Cross River State of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. Boundary in the east by Republic of Cameroon in Central Africa, in the South West boundary by Okwah and Bumaji in Boki Local Government Area and North by Obudu Cattle Ranch Resort.


“This village has government facilities such as Government Primary School established in 1958, Primary Health Post established in 1988, Cross River National Park Station founded in 1993.


“However, in the foregoing circumstances, this village has not witnessed any catastrophe of this type. Sad to inform you that on the 5th day of December, 2023, at about 4.00am, the Ambazonian militants from Republic of Cameroon in Central Africa invaded Balegete Community with heavy guns and long knives wounded many with knife cuts.


“On the same day the matter was reported to the HOLGA, Police and soldiers were released to the scene, killed one of the Ambazonian militant and left. Other Ambazonian militants ran to their country.


“Furthermore, the Ambazonian militants came back after the Nigerian soldiers had gone, captured the chief and some of the youths forced them to bury the dead militant, shot the chief to death, burnt houses, displaced the community, some ran to Okwah and Bumaji in Boki Local Government Area, some ran to the forest and to the Ranch. Except four of our community members who are still at large, thus; Akor Abraham, Ochuck Ransom, Ndah Fidelis and Ushia Michael Kububu are not seen till now.”


The Ambazonian militants are a rebellious group fighting in southwest Cameroon for sovereignty. Balegete is not the only Nigerian community that has been ravaged by this group. Okwa, a community in Cross River State's Boki Local Government Area, is another community that has been victimised by invasions by the militants.


The Ambazonia rebels fighting in southwest Cameroon for sovereignty have reportedly invaded Okwa community in the Boki Local Government Area of the state.


Okwa is located at the border with Southwest Cameroon within the Gorilla Protection Unit of the Okwangwo Division of the Cross River National Park.


Two weeks ago, they reportedly invaded Belegete community, abducted over 40 natives, killed a clan head, Chief Francis Okweshi, raped women, burnt houses and occupied it for over a week.


Victor Abang, a member of the House of Representatives for the Ikom/Boki federal constituency, confirmed the invasion in a statement signed by his media aide, Simon Abang.


The continuing invasion of areas of the state, according to Abang, is a security threat on the country's national boundary that must be stopped.


The statement reads: “On December 17, 2023, these aggressors invaded the community, causing panic by firing indiscriminately, issuing threats, and restricting locals from accessing their farmland without cause.


“This incident follows the tragic execution of Chief Ogweshi Francis Ongwele in Belegette, a neighboring community, resulting in injuries, kidnappings, and destruction of properties; this must stop.”