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Vietnam Jails Ex-Health Minister 18 Years For Bribery, Overstating COVID Test Kits’ Prices

Vietnam Jails Ex-Health Minister 18 Years For Bribery, Overstating COVID Test Kits’ Prices
January 12, 2024

Long was accused of receiving $2.25 million, a Reuters report said.

A former Vietnam Health Minister, Nguyen Thanh Long, has been sentenced to 18 years in prison for taking bribes in a coronavirus test kit scandal.

Long was accused of receiving $2.25 million, a Reuters report said.

Long who was sentenced by a court in Vietnam on Friday was involved in the scandal, in which a local firm was accused of colluding with officials to commission a state-funded research unit to produce and overstate its prices of coronavirus test kits, Phap Luat Online newspaper said. 

"I was wrong, I am sorry," Long was quoted by the newspaper as saying at the trial.

Reuters reports that the verdict comes as Vietnam intensifies its years-long anti-graft campaign that has seen hundreds of senior officials investigated for corruption, with many forced to quit, including former president and premier Nguyen Xuan Phuc and two deputy prime ministers.
