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We Can’t Be Wasting Energy To Investigate Same Cases — EFCC Chairman Meets Nigerian Police Boss

We Can’t Be Wasting Energy To Investigate Same Cases — EFCC Chairman Meets Nigerian Police Boss
January 16, 2024

The Chairman described it as a waste of time and energy if the EFCC and the police were probing the same cases without looking for how to work together for proper production.

The Chairman of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, EFCC, Mr. Ola Olukoyede has informed the Nigerian Police Force authorities to work with the commission to avoid both agencies working on the same cases at a time.


The EFCC chairman said this on Monday when he visited the Inspector General of Police, Kayode Egbetokun, at the Force Headquarters in Abuja.


The Chairman described it as a waste of time and energy if the EFCC and the police were probing the same cases without looking for how to work together for proper production.


As a result, he encouraged the IGP to allow them to sign a memorandum of agreement outlining plans for the measures the agencies would use to avoid such of overlapping in the future.


“There is no need to dissipate energy investigating similar cases. We can come up with an MoU to properly address such issues”, he said.

“We are proud of the nurturing we received from the Police and solicit more support, cooperation and collaboration given the specialized nature of our works,” he was quoted by PM News Nigeria.


He asked for greater mutual understanding, promising that the EFCC would continue to use its relationship with the police in order to collaborate more effectively with them.


Olukoyede praised the police for nurturing the EFCC from its inception and expressed satisfaction with the existing coordination between the two agencies.


The IGP, in his remarks, expressed delight with the works of the EFCC, describing the Commission “as a good child of the police” and promised enhanced support for the Commission. 

“We are proud to have the EFCC as our child. We will continue to support you”, he said.