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Chad Junta Knocks International Organisations For ‘Double Standard’, Focusing On Its ‘Isolated Events’ While Ignoring Rights Violations In Gaza, Others

Chad Junta Knocks International Organisations For ‘Double Standard’, Focusing On Its ‘Isolated Events’ While Ignoring Rights Violations In Gaza, Others
March 4, 2024

The Chadian government has warned that attacks on political figures or state institutions will not be tolerated, saying it will take all necessary measures to ensure security and stability in the country.

The Minister of Information and official spokesman for the government, Abdul Rahman Ghulam Allah made this known in a statement signed on Monday. 

According to him, Chad is determined to shed light on the events of February 27 and 28, which prompted some citizens to take up arms and threaten institutions. 

Chad invited all interested parties to participate in the investigation into the incident in a constructive manner. 

It called for a balanced and comprehensive approach to protecting human rights, while it rejected any form of double standards on the part of human rights organisations.

The statement reads in part, "The Chadian Government expresses its deep dismay at the tragic events of February 27 and 28 and reaffirms its commitment to justice and transparency.

"We note the request for an independent investigation requested by Human Rights Watch into the circumstances surrounding all the deaths following these events. We wish to emphasize our willingness to cooperate fully with any independent investigation aimed at establishing the truth. Its commitment to justice and transparency.

"But it is unfortunate that some humanitarian organizations focus only on isolated events and ignore the conflicts and human rights violations documented in other parts of the world, such as the situation of the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, which is facing one of the worst genocides in human history. 

"Chad calls for a balanced and comprehensive approach to protecting human rights. Reject any form of double standards.

"We would like to emphasize that Chad is fully committed to ensuring the security and protection of all its citizens, including those who engage in political activities. Attacks on political figures or state institutions will not be tolerated, and we will take all necessary measures to ensure security and stability in the country.

"Chad is determined to shed light on the events of February 28, which prompted some citizens to take up arms and threaten institutions. 

"To participate in this investigation in a constructive manner Republic, we invite all interested parties to participate.

"This investigation is being conducted constructively with the aim of ensuring transparency. It reaffirms our commitment to respecting the principles of the rule of law and international human rights standards. We also call on international organizations to avoid any selective attention to events and to prefer a fair and impartial approach in their work.”

"We will continue to work with the international community and relevant organizations to promote and protect human rights in Chad, through an open and constructive dialogue," the statement added. 

Last week, Chadian opposition figure Yaya Dillo was reportedly killed in a clash with the security forces.

Dillo, a cousin of the Sahel nation’s transitional president, Mahamat Idriss Deby, was killed on Thursday, according to the authorities.
