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Humanists Welcome Reduction Of Blasphemy Sentence For Nigerian Atheist, Bala To 5 Years But Will Fight For Full Acquittal –Leo Igwe

Humanists Welcome Reduction Of Blasphemy Sentence For Nigerian Atheist, Bala To 5 Years But Will Fight For Full Acquittal –Leo Igwe
May 13, 2024

SaharaReporters earlier reported on Monday that a Court of Appeal in Kano State had reduced the atheist’s 24-year sentence to five years.

Dr Leo Igwe, a Nigerian human rights advocate and the founder of the Humanist Association of Nigeria, has welcomed the reduction of Mubarak Bala’s sentence from 24 years to five years.

SaharaReporters earlier reported on Monday that a Court of Appeal in Kano State had reduced the atheist’s 24-year sentence to five years.


In April 2022, a Kano State High Court sitting in Audu Bako sentenced Bala, the President of the Humanist Association of Nigeria to 24 years imprisonment for committing blasphemy against Allah and Prophet Muhammad.


He made the headlines in 2020 when he was arrested at his residence in Kaduna over alleged blasphemy and incitement.

Bala later appealed the 24-year prison sentence after he pleaded guilty to charges of ‘causing a public disturbance’.

Commenting on the ruling on Monday, Igwe said, "Humanists welcome the reduction of sentence of Mubarak Bala, and some acknowledgement of the injustice, and illegality of his trial and incarceration. 

"This ruling by the court of appeal provides a glimmer of hope for the rule of law, justice and humanity in Nigeria. 

"Bala's imprisonment is an affront to basic humanism and violates the core principles of human rights. Humanists will continue to seek his full exoneration from this victimless offence."

SaharaReporters learnt on Monday that the Court of Appeal reduced his sentence to five years in prison.

His lawyer, Mr James Ibor, told SaharaReporters that they were "grateful the court agreed with us that the sentence was against the law".

"The full judgement will be published later this week so until then, I don't have much to say," he added.

He, however, added that his legal team was interested in knowing the position of the court regarding Bala's challenging of the jurisdiction of the court, despite his guilty plea.


Humanists International had said it had reason to believe this plea was made under duress.

On 21 February 2024, the Court of Appeal panel sitting in Kano approved the regularisation of Bala’s appeal – a process required due to the delayed submission of appeal documents –, and formally accepted written arguments from the prosecution and defence.


According to court documents reviewed by Humanists International, Bala instructed his lawyers to appeal on four grounds listed: “Lack of jurisdiction of the Kano State High Court; the Judge’s predisposition to convict as indicated in the delivery of his ruling; failure to accord Bala the benefits of a guilty plea and misapplication of law in sentencing Bala to consecutive terms.” 


Humanists International on its website said it “believes that Nigerian humanist Mubarak Bala has been targeted solely for his peaceful exercise of his rights to freedom of religion or belief, and expression”.


It had urged the Appeal Court to set aside the Judgment of the trial Court and uphold Bala’s appeal, quashing his conviction and facilitating his immediate and unconditional release.

Human Rights