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Perils Of Centralized Control: Why Local Government Autonomy Matters Under Seyi Makinde Government By Comrade Olabiyi Ade Stephen

May 30, 2024

Local governments are the closest tier of government to the people, and their autonomy is essential for effective grassroots development. When local governments are empowered, they can respond to the unique needs of their communities, fostering innovation, accountability, and progress. However, when autonomy is stripped away, local governments become mere appendages of the state government, unable to act independently or make decisions that benefit their constituents.

As the Seyi Makinde government continues to consolidate power, a concerning trend has emerged: the erosion of local government autonomy. This shift towards centralized control poses significant dangers to the well-being of Oyo State and its citizens.


Local governments are the closest tier of government to the people, and their autonomy is essential for effective grassroots development. When local governments are empowered, they can respond to the unique needs of their communities, fostering innovation, accountability, and progress. However, when autonomy is stripped away, local governments become mere appendages of the state government, unable to act independently or make decisions that benefit their constituents.


The dangers of not allowing local government autonomy under the Seyi Makinde government are multifaceted:


1. Stifling Grassroots Development: Without autonomy, local governments are unable to initiate projects or programs tailored to their specific needs, hindering progress and perpetuating underdevelopment.


2. Disenfranchising Communities: Centralized control disenfranchises local communities, silencing their voices and disconnecting them from the decision-making process.


3. Inefficient Resource Allocation: When decisions are made from the top down, resources are often misallocated, leading to wastage and inefficiency.


4. Undermining Democratic Principles: The erosion of local government autonomy undermines the principles of democracy, which emphasize decentralization, participation, and representation.


5. Encouraging Corruption: Overcentralization creates an environment conducive to corruption, as power is concentrated in the hands of a few individuals.


6. Neglecting Local Needs: Without autonomy, local governments are unable to respond to pressing local issues, such as infrastructure decay, security concerns, and social welfare.


7. Discouraging Innovation: Centralized control stifles innovation and creativity, as local governments are unable to experiment with new solutions or approaches.


To mitigate these dangers, the Seyi Makinde government must prioritize local government autonomy, devolving power and resources to the grassroots level. This will enable local governments to thrive, driving development, accountability, and progress in Oyo State.


By embracing decentralization and empowering local governments, the Seyi Makinde government can demonstrate its commitment to democratic principles, grassroots development, and the well-being of Oyo State citizens. The future of our state depends on it.


Comrade Olabiyi Ade Stephen is the 2024 Councillorship Candidate, Lagelu Ward 1

African Action congress (AAC)