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Consider Sallah Celebrations And Don't Make Life Unbearable For Muslims – MURIC Tells Organised Labour

June 3, 2024

This was stated in a press release signed by its director, Prof Ishaq Oyetola.

An Islamic group, the Muslim Rights Concern (MURIC) has accused the Nigerian Labour Congress (NLC) of planning to sabotage the Salah celebrations by its ongoing strike. 



This was stated in a press release signed by its director, Prof Ishaq Oyetola.


The statement claimed  that the decision of the NLC to embark on strike action few days from Id Al-Kabiir was an attempt to make “life unbearable for Muslims” preparing for the celebrations.



The statement read in part; “As expected, the workers unions of other service providing sectors like petroleum and electricity have offered to join. This means the lives of Nigerians are likely to be thrown into a state of higgledy-piggledy in the next few days.”



MURIC opined that transport fare to and fro for Muslims during Salah period would skyrocket, which would adversely affect movements.



It further claimed that the notice of the strike action was too short, alleging that only 48 hours notice was given. In the statement, MURIC accused the Labour Union of trying to bring down the government.



“The approach of the current crop of NLC leaders is aggressive, arrogant, fascist and partisan. The body language is unmistakable. It is directed at bringing the government down. This NLC has no respect for the rule of law, not even an iota of decorum for democratic practices.”



“If we cannot speak for government, what about Nigerian Muslims whose lives your strike could turn into sheer nightmare? Is this a deliberate attempt to make life uncomfortable for Muslims?



“Are Muslim workers not part of your union? If we are, shouldn’t NLC consider our interest, particularly our fast-approaching festival before embarking on a strike? What happened to strategic planning? What happened to timing and logistics? What happened to psychological preparation of people’s minds?“ the statement by MURIC further read.



The Nigerian Labour Congress is on strike over the review of the country’s minimum wage. While it is demanding N494,000, the government offers N60,000.