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Woman Arrested With 2,000 Ammunition To Be Supplied To Bandits In Zamfara As Four Terrorists ‘Surrender’ To Nigerian Army In Borno

Woman Arrested With 2,000 Ammunition To Be Supplied To Bandits In Zamfara As Four Terrorists ‘Surrender’ To Nigerian Army In Borno
June 7, 2024

The terrorists identified as Baana Duguri, Momodu Fantami, Abubakar Isani and Zainami Dauda surrendered to troops of Sector 2, Operation Hadin Kai and hunters on the outskirts of Mainok in the Kaga Local Government Area of the state.


Four Boko Haram/ISWAP fighters have reportedly surrendered to Nigerian troops in Borno State.

This comes as the military arrested a woman with over 2,000 ammunition meant for terrorists in Zamfara State.

The terrorists identified as Baana Duguri, Momodu Fantami, Abubakar Isani and Zainami Dauda surrendered to troops of Sector 2, Operation Hadin Kai and hunters on the outskirts of Mainok in the Kaga Local Government Area of the state.

According to Zagazola Makama, a counter-insurgency expert and security analyst in the Lake Chad region, the terrorists surrendered between June 3 and 5, 2024.

Citing sources, he said the four terrorists surrendered with two AK-47 rifles, 99 rounds of 7.62mm special ammunition, seven AK-47 magazines, two hand grenades, four Baofeng radios, two bandoliers, one bag, a pair of ISWAP uniform and two motorcycles.

The terrorists, according to the report, claimed that their decision to surrender was due to the severe hunger and hardship they experienced in their camp and, consequently, their unwillingness to continue with terrorist activities.

They were said to have come from Damboa general area.

Meanwhile, a young woman was apprehended with over 2,000 rounds of ammunition in Zamfara State.

Although the details were still sketchy, she was reportedly planning to supply the ammunition to bandits in Zamfara State.
