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Nigerian Biosafety Agency, NBMA Cautions Over Fresh Cholera Outbreak As Death Toll Rises To 30

June 14, 2024

Calling on the general public to exercise caution over the cholera outbreak NBMA in a statement made available to journalists in Abuja on Friday by its Director General, Dr Agnes Asagbra, the agency said Nigeria has recorded 30 deaths and 1141 suspected cases from the disease.



The National Biosafety Management Agency (NBMA), has raised the alarm over the recent cholera outbreak across some states in the country.

Calling on the general public to exercise caution over the cholera outbreak NBMA in a statement made available to journalists in Abuja on Friday by its Director General, Dr Agnes Asagbra, the agency said Nigeria has recorded 30 deaths and 1141 suspected cases from the disease.

Asagbra said, “As we approach the festive period of the Sallah celebrations, it is of utmost importance that we collectively prioritise the health and safety of our communities.” 

The NBMA said that Cholera had been reported in Bayelsa, Zamfara, Abia, Cross River, Bauchi, Delta, Katsina, Imo, Nasarawa, and Lagos states. 

Dr Asagbra said NBMA, in collaboration with health authorities, was actively monitoring the situation and implementing measures to contain the spread of the disease.

She also called on Nigerians to imbibe various hygiene practices such as “boiling drinking water or using certified water purification methods, washinghands thoroughly with soap and water, especially before eating or preparing food, and after using the toilet, cooking food thoroughly and consuming it while hot, avoiding raw foods such as fruits and vegetables unless they can be peeled or washed with safe water and keeping the environment clean while disposing of waste properly to prevent contamination.”

According to her, “NBMA urges all Nigerians to be vigilant and adhere to these hygiene practices to protect themselves and their loved ones from cholera. 

“We also encourage community leaders and health workers to disseminate this information and assist in educating the public about preventive measures.”

Dr Asagbra further called on Nigerians to be at alert and report any case of cholera to the nearest hospital. 

She said, “If you or anyone you know exhibits symptoms of cholera, which include severe diarrhea, dehydration, and vomiting, seek urgent medical attention at the nearest hospital. Early diagnosis and treatment are crucial.” 
