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GMO Is Not Food Security! Food Security Is Not GMO!!! By Ahmed O Oduntan

June 27, 2024

The FGN, acronym for the Foreign Gendarmerie of Nigeria (under the disabled leadership of Sergeant BAT) is again at the behest of their imperial overlords seeking to shove genetically modified foods down the throats of millions of Nigerians under the guise of Food Security. 




Food Security threatened by insecurity is remedied by security and not by another insecurity because GMO is itself food insecurity disguised. Also, Food Security is not merely the abundance of food but rather the abundance of nutritious food. 

The FGN, acronym for the Foreign Gendarmerie of Nigeria (under the disabled leadership of Sergeant BAT) is again at the behest of their imperial overlords seeking to shove genetically modified foods down the throats of millions of Nigerians under the guise of Food Security. 

Under Sgt. BAT, Nigerians have been battered by storms and waves of fiscal policies scripted by neocolonial fiscal institutions vis a vis the IMF, World Bank and their Brenton Wood cousins. Ignoring the pulse of his own people and jettisoning expert advice Sgt. BAT have always chosen instead to dance to the tunes and pander to the whims and caprices of Chatham House kingmakers, IMF and World Bank chiefs no matter how vicious. 

The Nigerian economy has suffered severe tremors. The Naira has crashed with clumsy rapidity to depths never before seen. Prices of food items have bolted beyond the purchasing power of millions of Nigerians. Thanks to double digit inflation. Even the used to be well off middle class have been lumped with the miserable lots of the lumpen poor. 

A used to be proud people have been so dehumanized that we have seen nation wide “We Are Hungry” campaigns. Fathers have had to flee abandoning their families, mothers are dumping their children on street corners. 

The fabric of the nation is soaked, screaming and dripping RED!

With no recovery in sight, still in severe economic pains, groaning and moaning, the toughness of Nigerians defies science and logic. 

The extraterrestrial resilience of Nigerians is the reason we are still under the chokehold of imperialism. We shall not be free until we smash to smithereens the bedbugs at home. As the Yorubas say, “ti a o ba fi ogun dan omo iya eni wo, omo baba eni o ni beru eni.”

The Nigerian government or better say “gangment”, in its usual anti-poor, pro-imperial viciousness is again rolling out Genetically Modified Grains under the pretext of Food Security. 

Is this another conspiracy, by means of “foodiecide” (food genocide)? As usual, these Devil’s Advocate of the West always wear the hijab of the Good Samaritan to inflict severe suffering on Nigerians. There has never been a mutual traffic of Good from them to the Global South. We see our National Interest being traded for a spoonful of porridge. 

The cons of this cunning scheme far outweigh the pros. It will have deleterious effects on the health of Nigerians especially a nation where the health sector itself has never been healthy enough to handle basic health needs of the people. Our soil would be destroyed faster than normal causing them to be arid rather than arable. 

And the business here is that farmers would have to always go back to buy and re-buy these poisonous seeds as they can not be replanted which is another avenue to drain the foreign exchange reserves. 

This is not Food Security. It is euphemism for Food Insecurity. 



For almost a decade, scores of Nigerian Farmers have suffered murders in the satanic hands of marauding herdsmen. Thousands of farmers have lost their precious lives and loved ones to these bloodthirsty nomads of death. Thousand of women have been defiled and their daughters deflowered. Millions have been displaced by banditry of herdsmen and terrorism. This has taken a toll on the nation’s agriculture. Criminal activities perpetrated by non-state actors have handicapped FOOD SECURITY and has emptied the Food Basket of the nation to dangerously low levels. 

To respond to this malaise by seeking to shove poisons down the throat of Nigerians turns the tummy of Reason. GMO could have been a reasonable resort if food shortages were the result of natural elements such as famine and or droughts. Then Science would have been rightly beckoned to tackle Nature. 

In our case however, the underlying issues are man made that needs to be addressed with genuine action and not inaction. 

However, the Nigerian “Gangment” has intentionally failed in its numero uno responsibility which is to protect lives and property. 

The result is a country where life is as cheap as air so that non-state actors are able to extinguish or liquidate human lives without paying the price stipulated by the law. 

To look away, to not tackle insecurity that plagues our countryside has cost farmers fatally and caused farming to suffer disastrously. 

For government to not enforce its own laws vis a vis ranching and while cattles still roam the country while talking Food Security is to foolishly put the cart before the horse. On the other hand we doubt this is foolishness, we see the foundations of another multi billion dollar scheme that is antithetical to our national interest. 

While insecurity persist, food security is not attainable unless the GMOs are intended for cattle. Then we may be rest assured that: GMO IS NOT FOOD SECURITY FOR HUMANS BUT FOOD SECURITY FOR COWS!!!

Ahmed O Oduntan,

June, 2024
