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Turkish President Erdogan Asks World Leaders To Stop Israel’s Netanyahu Same Way They Did To Adolf Hitler

September 25, 2024

Erdogan made this charge on Tuesday in his address to the 79th UN General Assembly meeting in New York.

Turkish President, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, has charged the international community to stop Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, as it did generations ago with Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler.

Erdogan made this charge on Tuesday in his address to the 79th UN General Assembly meeting in New York.
"Israel's attitude has once again shown that it is essential for the international community to develop a protection mechanism for Palestinian civilians.

"Just as Hitler was stopped by the alliance of humanity 70 years ago, Netanyahu and his murder network must be stopped by the alliance of humanity."

According to Anadolu, Erdogan before his address to the world leaders, expressed pleasure at seeing the representative for Palestine at the UN, in the place "he deserves among the member states, after lengthy struggles."

He added: "I wish this historic step to be the last stage on the way to Palestine's membership in the United Nations. I also invite other states, that have not yet done so, to recognize the state of Palestine as soon as possible and take their place on the right side of history at this very critical period."

Erdogan said he is the leader of a country that is not far from the tensions, but right in its “epicenter."

"Even if some feel uncomfortable, even if some will once again criticise us, I wish to speak out certain truths openly today, in the name of humanity, from the common rostrum of humanity," he said.

The president criticised the UN, which is struggling to fulfill its founding mission and is "gradually turning into a dysfunctional, unwieldy and inert structure."

"We witness that international peace and security are too important to be left to the arbitrariness of the privileged five," he added.

Erdogan has long pushed for reforms to the UN, often using the slogan “The world is bigger than five,” referring to the Security Council’s unrepresentative membership.

"The most dramatic example of this is the massacre that has been going on in Gaza for 353 days," he stressed.
