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Nigerians Shouldn’t Reward Failures Of Ex-Governors, Ex-Vice President Seeking To Lead Nigeria – AAC Candidate, Sowore

Nigerians Shouldn’t Reward Failures Of Ex-Governors, Ex-Vice President Seeking To Lead Nigeria – AAC Candidate, Sowore
August 18, 2022

The #RevolutionNow convener stated that Nigerians should be wary of rewarding past failures of former governors, and former Vice-President who still sought to lead the country despite their past abysmal records.

The presidential candidate of the African Action Congress, AAC, Omoyele Sowore, has said he is desperate to end the misery that has visited Nigeria due to its past bad leaders.

Sowore stated this in an interview on Thursday on the African Independent Television (AIT) monitored by SaharaReporters, noting that he was the most qualified of all the candidates.

The #RevolutionNow convener stated that Nigerians should be wary of rewarding past failures of former governors, and former Vice-President who still sought to lead the country despite their past abysmal records.

While Atiku Abubakar, a former VP, is the presidential candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), Peter Obi, former governor is contesting on the platform of the Labour Party (LP) and Rabiu Kwankwaso is of the New Nigeria People’s Party (NNPP).

Sowore said, “I'm desperate to end the misery that has been visited this country since 1999, it was supposed to be democracy, it was supposed to have bring in dividends, it was supposed to have bring in development, growth and several other great things that would have transformed Nigeria from where it was under military to a society by now that should be competing very well with countries that we can say are on the same priority with Nigeria countries; like Brazil, Malaysia, Singapore and here we are.

"We are at the bottom of every terrible human development index in the world today, so I'm desperate to end that.”

Sowore also said Nigerians should not reward perpetual failures of a two-term governor and former vice president.

He said, “And also as you know, I’m better qualified than all the candidates that tip themselves as those who should be running Nigeria. In this particular exercise, this dispensation; I have two presidential candidates who have been two-term governors whose states were terribly run, and one who has been a Vice President who had been there for eight hears but nothing to show for it and several others."

"I don't know all the candidates I must be honest with you, but I know the major ones and I can tell you that I'm better qualified to handle this country than they would handle it if they are given the opportunity, they have had opportunities and blown it in the past and we should not be rewarding failure in this country perpetually.”
