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Tinubu Pays Own Company 1 Billion Naira Monthly-Obanikoro

February 10, 2007
Senator Musiliu Obanikoro has accused his former mentor and boss of corrupt practices. According to him, Lagos State under Governor Ahmed Tinubu is fraught with a widespread of about seventy percent poverty.

He also accused Governor Tinubu of financing touts.

At a well attended town Hall Meeting/Fund Raising held at the Sheraton College Park Hotel in Beltsville Maryland, Senator Obanikoro said that Tinubu’s company – Alpha Beta collects 1Billion Naira from Lagos State government monthly. He said that in the last two years, Governor Tinubu has not governed in Lagos State, “instead, he said, “Tinubu has been busy sponsoring half of his State cabinet, spending Lagos State funds, for various positions across the country.”

He said the Independent power supply of Governor Tinubu was more of a 419 than a reality. According to him, only 4 million out of 15 million Lagosians have access to pipe-borne water.  He lamented that 72.5 percent of household in Lagos occupy one bedroom apartment at a rate of 8-10 people per room.

He promised to introduce a rail mass transit in Lagos against Governor Tinubu’s Bus mass transit.

In his close to one hour speech, Obanikoro promised the people of Lagos State to make Lagos State great again, revive its failing infrastructure, bring prosperity to the people of Lagos State and revive its legacy.

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