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“Operation Cyclone”, MEND says it has Shut Down 500,000 BPD of Nigeria's Oil Exports.

April 27, 2008
The Movement for the Emancipation of the Niger Delta (MEND) said it had successfully crippled oil exports from Nigeria leading to shut down of 500,000 barrels per day in combined attacks on the pipelines carrying crude in the restive Niger Delta region.

Quoting sources inside Shell Petroleum Development Company (SPDC), MEND said in a statement that, “ the consequence of our April 24 attack on the Kula major trunk line is the disruption of a further 350,000 bpd, bringing the total shut-in so far to over 500,000bpd from the combined attacks.”

 In a press release sent out to the media via e-mail, MEND accused Shell of concealing the real figures of exports disruptions as a result of the attacks because the Nigerian government issued a directive to Shell not to disclose the real figure to avoid panic and embarrassment.

According to the release,“ The government of Nigeria and the oil majors are in denial but the reality is that MEND will continue with this phase of its attacks until we have crippled every oil and gas pipeline in the Niger Delta before proceeding to the next phase of Operation Cyclone.”
 A combination of attacks against oil pipelines and oil workers strike in Nigeria has shut down more than a third of oil exports since last week.

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