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ROBINHOOD: How I Spend My Bribe Money-Gov Obi-PM NEWS

February 18, 2009

Image removed.Governor Peter Obi of Anambra state has said unlike other public officers, he channels his bribe money into bettering the lot of the people of his state. Obi, who spoke with journalists in Awka, the state capital, last weekend, explained that since contractors would always want to part with some percentage of their profit, he has devised a means to channel the “kick-back” into welfarism programs.

In less than three years in office, the governor said he has been able to save N350 million through this process, proceeds of which, he said, are pumped into the acquisition of 50 taxi cabs and 50 buses donated to the people of the state to alleviate transportation problem.

“They will always come to say ‘thank you’ with huge sums of money. At first, I was rejecting it, but I gave it a second thought and came to the realization that the money is the state’s money and can be beneficial to the people of the state. Today, the 50 yellow buses and 50 yellow taxis you see plying various routes in Anambra state are as a result of this effort,” he explained.

The governor, who said he rejected the proposal of two bullet proof vehicles valued at N150 million upon assumption of office, explained further that it was the money that he used in acquiring 50 Peugeot 406 cars on direct purchase from PAN, at a cost of N3 million each.

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The vehicles, he said, were given to his commissioners and permanent secretaries who had no official vehicles as at the time he took over. The Anambra state governor is, however, changing his mind on the use of bullet proof vehicles, an idea he earlier jettisoned, especially as another election year is approaching.

“I have ordered for a bullet proof car valued at N25 million and have been paying the money since June last year and very soon, the car will be delivered to me,” he said.

He also said it has become necessary to acquire the bullet proof car because of the turbulent and peculiar political climate in Anambra state, adding that, “with election approaching, I can’t afford not to acquire the bullet proof car.”

Speaking on the forthcoming election, governor Obi said it is time for Iwu to go. “We can’t trust Iwu’s INEC to conduct elections in Nigeria in general and Anambra in particular. I suggest we hire the Ghanaians to come and conduct elections for us. That is the only time we can be sure of a free and fair election in Nigeria. If we can’t emulate America, let us, at least, emulate Ghana,” he emphasised.

On the issue of godfatherism in Nigerian politics, he said “we must gang up to kill godfatherism in Nigeria politics, adding that it is for the purpose of those who gang up to loot the common wealth of the people. The only weapon which they have and which they have always used is rigging.”

According to him, in a free and fair election, he would win his opponents clean and clear because the downtrodden, grassroots people of the state have identified with him following his development projects and road construction across the length and breath of the state through the Anambra State Integrated Development Strategy (ANIDS).


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