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Ribadu Aids And Abets Tinubu To Enslave Lagos

September 24, 2010

It is not surprising that Ribadu served on Lagos streets as a policeman, we already know that. But we also thought he became a born again Muslim ready to die for Nigeria.

It is not surprising that Ribadu served on Lagos streets as a policeman, we already know that. But we also thought he became a born again Muslim ready to die for Nigeria.

You see, there is nothing wrong if sinners want to repent and turn a new leaf, because we do not expect angels to come from heaven to save us. Therefore we were glad that Ribadu, a policeman became anti corruption Czar and did a good job according to many of us.

  We had so much confidence in this man. Even when critics said otherwise, we thought he is the only man that could bring down all the corrupt former governors because of the dossier he had kept on them. Those critics of his laughed in our face and now cry: we told you so. They know Ribadu since the days of NADECO working for Abacha and that Rbadu is nowhere near a born again Muslim. He is now in bed with Tinubu, Haba!   Who? Yekini Amoda Ogunlere from Iragbiji in Osun State usurped the name Tinubu to facilitate his mission to enslave Lagos State. He owns Lagos State by any measure, intent and purpose and there is no government business or political transactions without his nod. Yekini has more money than god to sponsor parties, buy candidates from all over and dictates every move to his cronies. Lagos State is fully mortgaged under his spell.   If it is true that everyone has a price, Yekini knows Ribadu’s price. He tried IBB and was snubbed with all that money. IBB can help himself, thank you. We thought Yekini’s welcomed mat would be the last place to find Ribadu. But desperate men perform unthinkable acts. So Ribadu was desperate for power all along as postulated by his critics and he needs the money to actualize his dream. It does not matter where that money comes from, in this case from Lagos State pocket, a place where everyone in Nigeria can actualize their dreams.   Lagosians have no problem accepting others into their midst. Indeed, they encourage and tolerate all comers up to a point. The line is usually drawn when some Yekini wants to milk the last drop of blood out of the State or take it over completely. Unlike Niger Delta, nobody empathize with Lagos State as long as the money flows to all states to sponsor political parties, and Ribadu is only one person that does not mind getting a piece of that patronage. Unfortunately for him, he will be outfoxed.    Ribadu is riding the back of a tiger. Yekini “Tinubu” has been called all sorts of names but nobody doubts he is cunning. If he can bring Lagosians under his control and they worship him as the maker and shaker of all that is possible, Ribadu, you do not stand a chance O. If you think that you can outsmart Yekini, you are in for a surprise. We heard about how you used Obasanjo to get his friends in jail. Well, Yekini is no Obasanjo.   Usually a born again Muslim that wants to save Nigeria forgets his evil ways and sing like Sonny Okosun: All the bad bad things I used to do, I do them no more. This is the second time you are going to sing that nonsense after turning your back first on police corrupt techniques on the street and now you are smiling riding on the back of Yekini. By the time you are done, Yekini will be smiling back home like a tiger with you in his belly.   Many of us are deeply disappointed because we spent all our goodwill capital to defend you like a new found Messiah in Nigeria willing to change the Country. It was Oshiomole that first told us he had to join AC Party to facilitate his gubernatorial ticket by accepting Yekini’s Lagos money machine. When IBB called, he organized a rally for him that Yekini feignedly cut. But Mimiko accomplished the same feat as a governor on the Labor Party platform. Here is a difference, show us your friends and we get an idea of who you are.   Nobody says Nigeria is easy to rule or wrestle power from the status quo. We are not that naïve. But you have gone to the extreme to party with one of the two most corrupt former governors willing to pay any price to get their wishes. By your investigation, if not blackmail as your critics claimed, you pointed to Ibori and Tinubu as the worst in this category. Now you have no shame to be caught in bed with one of them.    Apart from Abuja, we all know that there is no money tree to shake in Iragbiji or any place in Nigeria, as much as you can loot in Lagos State. Yekini does not get manna from heaven and you did willingly, out of blind ambition hoping to become a power hungry President Do-Little. You may think like OBJ, your mentor that all those who had invested in him should consider their investments lost. It is better to die gallantly than in bed with bugs. Yekini will out-magogo you. Your association with him has already soiled you.     We cannot lose the sight of our political arena where we call for younger generation of leaders with the fire in them to turn the Country around and break the vicious circle of blind ambition to loot the treasury dry. As the providers and slaves of Nigeria income cry for their share to enjoy the fruit of their backyard, other Nigerians thrown their hats in the ring claiming they can solve their problem.   Is there nobody out of about one hundred and fifty million Nigerians smart enough from that area that can solve their problem? We cry that we understand their plight and feel their pain …. ouch! We are so arrogant that we reserve the ability to cure their misery only outside of their region. We are so full of hypocrisy, double talk and power hungry that we cannot concede power to those that have never ruled this Country.   There is no qualification whatsoever that is present in other parts of Nigeria that cannot be found in the South-south of our Country. If Ebele is not good enough for us, and we can always find a reason to lodge at his throat, there must be many more from that area to become the next President of Nigeria. This arrogation of power to certain region and certain people will continue as long as there are reasons to justify it:  My Time Is Now!   If it is the battle of conscience, patriotism and human rights, regardless of past regional reigns that reinforced Ribadu, some Yoruba as Falana and Igbo like Agbakoba deserve it more.

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