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Hurry, Take Advantage Of This Father Christmas Government: Terms And Conditions Apply

November 20, 2011

You wondered ‘why’ when you saw the list of the of the last National Honors recipients? Relax, for God is in charge. Those names in the list are persons who have gone through needles holes and, infarct, they are heroes. Just forgive the presidency if the list disappoints you. Nigeria is a friendly nation and that list are a small proof of our hospitality.

You wondered ‘why’ when you saw the list of the of the last National Honors recipients? Relax, for God is in charge. Those names in the list are persons who have gone through needles holes and, infarct, they are heroes. Just forgive the presidency if the list disappoints you. Nigeria is a friendly nation and that list are a small proof of our hospitality.

You at least should not expect anything less from a fisherman who had no shoes growing up, and eventually grows into the status of Santa Clause? Santa Clause with a store-tearing inventory of gifts –why give the gifts when you should simply clear out the store to accommodate fresher ones?

To those who did not benefit from the generosity of this year’s edition, please wait for your time. Remember, where there’s life, there’s hope! I will submit clues here on how to be in the next list. I will make it short and painless for you. You know there is a difference between reading ‘wide’ and reading ‘wise’. A student who trusts his intellect and ability will be left to read all materials he can come across, but one who is close to the examiner will be assisted with areas of concentration and some parts of the questions. So, a student who already has the clues will ‘read less but pass easily’. If you, or anyone you know is eyeing the next National Honors list, hop in and let’s proceed to the class where the criteria is tutored.

You would notice that pastors pronounce blessings depending on the status of the person at the receiving end.

If you are a hustler he says; “God Bless you!” If you are already becoming financially secure, he declares; ‘You are blessed”

If you are immensely wealthy; he prays for you to “Remain blessed”.

Similarly, National Honor is only awarded to eminent persons. I mean, ‘important’. Recipients of this year’s National honors are of the ‘Remain blessed’ category and in addition, have some qualities that will soon be highlighted here. If you are just trying, you can do a lot better to make the next list. Last list is close, but I’m not just flexing my muscle on a dead horse, I’m rather doing this because the presidency has already commenced task to collect names for the next edition with thousands already in the queue. Remember that this year’s edition also suffered a shortage of medals. My goal here is to throw out some clues after a cursory study into the criteria for the last list. But please, the criteria I describe here is for your eyes only. Keep it secret.

Mr. Santa Clause is not stingy with the Honors, but as I mentioned earlier; only notable persons make the list. This brings us to the terms and conditions that are, the question; “who is important?” You are important if:

-   AS A PROFILED PERSON: the EFCC was after you, is after you or is prospecting you and then, you can settle scores with the EFCC ‘amicably’

-       AS AN ECONOMIC HIT PERSON: you are recognized globally, or at least, in Africa -       AS A POLITICIAN: you have enormous political relevance and control hoodlums who smartly alter ballot boxes

-       AN ARTISTE: you are a popular entertainer with sizeable fan base -       A CLERIC:  you proclaim that people should believe in the policy of government; that this administration is one ordained by God and that the president got there by divine arrangement -       Etc. (Remember this is just an area of concentration, not all the gist)

Making Honors list through the EFCC is a 100 units course, titled ‘GNS 419’. It is a rigorous course and many fail it. Now you know how some in the list made it, specifically why I said those who got there by the first criteria above are heroes. So, whenever the tortoise prides itself in its experience, and the snail sings “young shall grow”, it kisses death. If you think it is easy, try steal large enough for EFCC to invite you.

Start working towards it now so that you can receive your award early before it finishes. There is no discrimination as long as you have played by the terms.

Make the haste. Offers are valid while stocks last. Remember, terms and conditions apply.

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