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Jonathan Wins 2015 Election! By A.S.M Jimoh

January 21, 2013

Jonathan wins 2015 election! This would likely be a headline the day after 2015 election. The naivety of the so-called opposition and the enlightened youths that the Jonathan administration is clueless are giving us a deluded hope of routing out Jonathan and his forty thieves in the PDP in 2015. We may after all come back to bite our fingers post 2015 election.

Jonathan wins 2015 election! This would likely be a headline the day after 2015 election. The naivety of the so-called opposition and the enlightened youths that the Jonathan administration is clueless are giving us a deluded hope of routing out Jonathan and his forty thieves in the PDP in 2015. We may after all come back to bite our fingers post 2015 election.

The Jonathan administration is battle ready for 2015. It has already set up his army on all fronts. Those of us privileged to access social network idealistically think that the amount of disenchantment expressed on twitter, facebook and other social networks has already dislodged him. This is delusion and deception combined. The Jonathan and his gangs do not give a damn. If only we know, twitter and facebook should just be supplement to our practical efforts.

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The soldier who knows the war strategy does not care to go to the battle ground which is irrelevant. The Jonathan administration knows that dissatisfaction on twitter and facebook are not real voters. The real voters whose vote will although not count are the villagers who do not know how government affects the life of people. Anyway, they have been deliberately made to be so. Eventually at the eve of election, a Jonathan’s hundred naira, bale of cloth and mudus of rice to them would be considered as favours. When the time comes, voters’ cards would be exchanged for fifty naira. Jonathan and his PDP know the war strategy.

Yes, Jonathan and PDP are already fighting the war for 2015. Every security apparatus is now being polarized. Nigeria is now more divided along religious and ethnics identity by the government. Fringe ethnic and religious organizations have suddenly become visible and senselessly vocal. Leaders of such groups are co-opted into government in the guise of peace entrenching effort, receiving fat allowance to the detriment of their unsuspecting followers. They issue blackmailing statements to hoodwink the sentiments of their ignorant followers that their religious/tribal group is being schemed out, whereas it was just the case of one looter falling out with another master looter.

The financial war chest and militants arm for the war are being built by the treasury looting all over here and there by Jonathan’s forty thieves. The mind-boggling looting of the treasury through ministries, departments and agencies (MDA) by the Jonathan’s people is part of the preparation for 2015. Miscreants called ex-militants are now in the corridor of cash- apology to Tunde Asaju. It is not just a do-or-die affair, but a war that the 2015 election will be.

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Editors and proprietors who are aligned to Jonathan are already denying critics of Jonathan space in their newspapers. They are hobnobbing with government thugs and sycophants. Such editors and proprietors would later go to publish dubious opinion polls that will provide the ground for rigging.
Jonathan has suddenly become a born again attending vigil and asking the Church to pray. He has begun to sweet-talk the Church that it is its prayers that have kept the country moving. All these are votes seeking strategy and divisive politics. When the time is ripe, gods of men (sic) will begin to campaign for Jonathan even though their congregations are among the masses subjected to extensive poverty and hopelessness by his administration.

The Jonathan administration has continued to behave as if he is a victim of the insecurity across the country; whereas he is a culprit. When in a dire security situation, a government behaves helplessly and looking victimized, such government is an accomplice. Example is the Pakistani government that portrays haplessness to the droning of its people by America. It behaves as if Taliban aligned militants have taken over Pakistan. Such are antics displayed by efficiently corrupt government in order to keep afloat.

When I see the sheer simplicity display on social forum about Nigeria politics, I conclude that we do not know where we were coming from, nor do we know our destination. As someone who actively participated in past elections, I should know where the Jonathan hopes to harvest their votes. It is not in the town of Abuja, Enugu, Kaduna, Ibadan or Lagos. And not even from the ‘wise guys’ on twitter and facebook. It is in the surrounding villages of the cities that Jonathan’s forty thieves will go to cheat the naïve opposition.

The so called oppositions should stop behaving as if they have all the time in their hands. They should know that winning election goes beyond the congregation of political parties. They should get their acts together and start organizing if they are serious in moving the Nigerian masses from the current state of abandonment.

The earlier we realize that the anti-PDP camp is disadvantaged in all fronts, the better for it.  We do not possess the army to intimidate the electorates, nor the police to guard and escort thugs in the stealing and vandalization of election materials, nor the fuel subsidy, oil wells, import waiver license, the pension funds and all other forms of funds to be released later to compromise the already pauperized masses and the security agencies.

Besides, we have a population who is still easily intimidated by security apparatus. The prevailing situation in the country, especially where the Jonathan administration will not be getting much vote, is in dire security situation. It is a heavily militarized zone that already put people therein in perpetual fear. This is already an advantage to the Jonathan’s war plan for 2015.

The opposition can continue dilly-dallying on what to do. Jonathan and his people are already ahead of them. While the Jonathan is resurrecting and erecting octogenarian fixers in strategic positions, the opposition are throwing away their most valuable assets in the guise of old age. Someone just reminded me that Awolowo was 74 years when he contested in 1983. This even put to question the sincerity of the so called opposition.

As a popular wisdom goes, a malignant tumor is fought equally by the bitterest herb. The current PDP is a recalcitrant malignancy which must be stopped by all means. Yes, all means. It must be fought the way it fights us. Then we should go beyond twitter and facebook to educate the villagers, the illiterate, the ignorant and the religious/ethnic bigots and our conscience. I am already doing that. We should offer sacrifice. For instance, if you and I who makes noise on twitter and facebook donate 100 naira each out of our less-than-a-dollar-a-day earning, we would make difference. We would be able send someone among ourselves into the villages to enlighten; we would be able to print flyers and pamphlet to educate people who have no access to information about this misadventure called Jonathan administration; we would be able to counter the Nigeria Trash Authority (NTA) aided by Abattoir and Okupite, and we would be able to tell the truth about them even though they lie against us.

More so, it is not early to start asking INEC to show us how it is going to organize the next election, the preparation and the pattern that will be adopted. What about voter’s card registration and update? It is not too early either to know where the polling stations are. We should not wait till the eve of election for INEC to tell the locations and codes of the polling units. Then, it will be too late to bicker about unexisting polling unit.

This fight for liberation should not be left in the hand of the so called oppositions who sometimes are not better than the PDP. The youth should rise beyond twitter and facebook to express their dissatisfaction with the status quo, else we may come back 2015 to wait for 2019. Someone says God forbids. God will forbid, only if we act.
A.S.M Jimoh ([email protected])

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