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Nelson Mandela – The Moses Of Black Africans By Chris Aniedobe

December 6, 2013

When a rejected stone becomes the corner stone, it is invariably the doings of God. From improbable to possible, so does God make things and leaves signs for the wise to see his mighty works.

When a rejected stone becomes the corner stone, it is invariably the doings of God. From improbable to possible, so does God make things and leaves signs for the wise to see his mighty works.

Before Obama became President, I called it. I did not need any Oracle to tell me that when a guy rises from obscurity to prominence like that, that it is the doings of a higher power. To leave no doubt about it, even the elements campaigned for Obama who traveled the most improbable roads: black, African, single parent, community organizer, one term Senator, and then President.

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When the Oracles of Egypt foretold Moses and Pharaoh decided to slaughter new born Jewish males, hoping to eliminate Moses, little did he know that he would be raising the same Moses in his household. And through Moses, God humiliated all the gods of Egypt and laid the foundation for the coming of the kingdom of God. These are the workings of God.

When I think of Nelson Mandela, I think “O what a wonderful God we serve. How from age to age he works wonders through the hands of men although many wise men see it not.” From obscurity to prisoner to President to World Leader, only God does things like that.

At 95, Nelson Mandela deserves to sleep. Ages henceforth shall remember him as the black Moses.  Out of the dense fog of racism, he led all blacks across the Red Sea. He was built like a staff, the same staff that Moses carried, the staff of God. Straight and unbendable was his determination to not bow to any indignities and until his death, he bore the highest and the noblest testimony to the human spirit as one created by God to be free from oppression and charged by the same God to live in harmony with all creation.

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But there is more. Nelson Mandela wrote the last Chapter in a book in which many Igbo slaves co-wrote. All across the new world, Igbo slaves chose death rather than bow to oppression. They chained their hands, neck and feet, but their spirits were never bound. All that was found in those slaves that chose death over oppression was encapsulated in Mandela as light for a world darkened by hatred and brightened by love.

The last hundred years have seen such great men as Mikhail Gorbachev, Martin Luther King, Jr., Pope John Paul II, Chinua Achebe, Dim Odumegwu Ojukwu, Nnamdi Azikiwe, Obafemi Awolowo, Mohammed Ali, Michael Jordan, Edson Arantes do Nascimento, Mother Theresa, Barrack Obama. They all however lived in the age of Nelson Mandela.

Somewhere in another obscure place, God I am sure is weaving another tapestry of improbables, around another improbable human being, to meet the challenges that lay ahead for a world that has turned against itself.  Our legs are no longer tied. Our necks are no longer yoked. Our hands are free but our spirits have become bound by concupiscence and materialism and we have no more need for God. Nelson Mandela smothered the last stronghold of racism, but something greater than racism, more pernicious than hate, more malignant than rabid cells, is permissive liberalism that has shackled the human spirit.


I pray that God who has made human beings the living stones with which he builds his houses and has deigned to make Nelson Mandela a corner stone, will raise from among his living stones, one who will liberate the human spirit from the shackles of permissive liberalism so that as his chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, his possession, … and from East to West and North to South, the whole earth might declare the praises of him who calls all people from darkness to light. “No longer slaves,” he said, “I call you friends.” Then Lord, let our spirits be as unbound as you made it even as you welcome Nelson Mandela into your Kingdom of light so that he may join the eternal Chief Priest as priest for all ages of humanity henceforth.




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