Anita Bradshaw is the author of three books: 'The Giant Within Us', 'The Road to Discovery: Ultimate Personal Development' and 'Woman the Power House'.

Anita Bradshaw is the author of three books: 'The Giant Within Us', 'The Road to Discovery: Ultimate Personal Development' and 'Woman the Power House'. There is more to Anita though, Anita is also a qualified Business & Life coach, mentor, trainer and consultant. She hosts the Quarterly Greater London Business Dinner in Croydon, which is a phenomenal event for business managers, and people in the business word. In this interview, she talks to Tundun Adeyemo about her latest best seller, 'The Giant Within US' and the purpose behind her writing. Enjoy reading!
Give us three ‘good to know’ facts about you. Be creative. Tell us about the inspiration for your writing and any other fun details.
a. I'm innovative.
b. I don’t sit on ideas for too long - most times, people talk about what they want to do and end up not doing those things. In my line of calling, I believe God trusted my to action the great ideas he puts in me. ACTION IS MY MANTRA.
c. I'm a goal setter - you can refer to me as a "future-minded individual". Any individual or business without goals is living their lives/business to chance.
By setting goals, you become aware of your destination and this acts as a navigator towards your future achievement.
What are people saying about your book? Why should we buy 'The Giant Within Us'?
The Giant Within Us is an incredible piece of work written by 20 incredible women from across the globe of which I conceived and executed the project to completion. This book has touched so many lives through the stories of these women. I feel so privileged to have complied as well as contributed to this work. This book became a best-seller within 24 hours of its launch in June 2014. The launch (virtual) attracted over 6,000 people globally.
It's important for people especially women to read this book because every story in this book affects a lot of people in our global society. From abuse, domestic violence, cancer, addiction, child labour, fitness, disability, self-discovery and many more. It's a global book written by global women who believe in making the world a better place through their work.
What three books are on your bedside table waiting to be read?
The three books on my table are: ‘Eat The Frog’ by Brian Tracy, ‘Twelve Pillars’ by Jim Rohn, ‘The Richest Man In Babylon’ by George S. Clason
Is there a message in your books, you want your readers to grasp?
One of the messages is: "A runner must run with dreams in his heart and not money in his pocket." Also, having a dream/idea is more powerful than any other desire in the world.
What book/s have most influenced your life most?
The book that has most influenced me is: 'The Magic Of Thinking Big' by David J. Schwartz.
What book are you reading now?
‘Mindstore ’by Jack Black
What are you working on at the moment?
I have in the pipeline two other books, which will be out within 12 months from now. I'm not just an author; I'm a qualified business and life coach, mentor, trainer and consultant. I run two successful businesses (La Proverbs & Woman The Powerhouse). There is more to me than just being an author. I have also written other personal development books, which can be found on Amazon or www.authorhouse.co.uk.
What was the hardest part of writing your book? Did you learn anything from writing your book and what was it?
The hardest part of this particular project was when I decided to change publishers. This resulted in a semi-legal battle and this resulted in some of my co-authors pulling out of the project. I lost over $7,000 dollars during this process. It was one of my biggest learning curve, which of course, served its purpose.
Do you have anything specific that you want to say to your readers?
This book is one of the best presentss you can give to those in your circle of influence and association. There's something for everyone.
How is this world a better place because of your book?
The world is a better place because of my work because I have just received an award for my effort in shining light for others to see and taking a giant step towards becoming more than they already are. My work is part of my calling/purpose in life and thank God I discovered at an earlier age.
Find Anita on Facebook at: Anita Duckworth-Bradshaw