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Bayelsa News

November 30, 2015

PDP THUGS ATTACK APC IN at Agorogbene Community in Sagbama Local Government Area of Baylesa State



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Agorogbene Community today were thrown into confusion during the campaign rally of All Progressives Congress (APC), where Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) youths went on rampage at Agorogbene Community in Sagbama Local Government Area of Baylesa State.

The PDP youths who came in their numbers, destroyed the canopies, chairs, musical instruments and banners put in place by APC members in the area. The said destruction and unwarned attack started when the members of APC and their supporters were coming right on the sea, when they were about to land on the area, were stoned and injured by the angry thugs, even the journalists that went with them went under hiding and could not do the work they were assigned for.

Meanwhile, an APC stalwart in the Community, Engr. Agbalaikio weri urged the supporters including youths and women to remain calm because the PDP has already known that they are on the loosing side, and be steadfast and work in unity to achieve their aim.

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Also speaking, the APC youth leader, Mr. Ebis Emoudein said that PDP supporters were sent by their leaders and stakeholders of the Local Government and the state, stressing that the PDP youths injured, stone, and matchet the APC members and called on the security agents and federal government to call PDP and their supporters to order.


The Peoples Democratic Party in Agorogbene Community in Sagbama Local Government Area of Bayelsa State has lost more than 150 of its members to All Progressives Congress (APC). The PDP defectors were received into the Party by the leader of APC in Agorogbene Community, Hon. Prince Bodi who urged the defectors to be law abiding and shun violence, saying that their defection is a welcome development.

Hon. Prince Bodi Made this known in a Press Conference in Yenagoa, saying that it is a thing of joy today that Bayelsa is fully for APC, and Chief Timipre Silva is our next Governor and our candidate, lets join hands and work for the victory of our candidate, and where that is achieved, everybody will benefit. In another development, Hon. Bodi narrated how the remaining members of PDP out of jealousy, pelted APC members with stones, injured them with matchet, destroyed the canopies, chairs, musical instrument and others. Stressing that PDP has loosed weight in Agorogbene and environs, urging All Progressives Congress (APC) members to queue in on the right direction because Bayelsa cannot play opposition so that they can stand firm and connect to the centre.

He appealed to his supporters to remain calm, work for the victory of Chief Timipre Silva saying that nothing will stop them from claiming their mandate from the sitting governor.

In his words, he said, all the allegations leveled against the governorship candidate, Chief Timipre Silva and the Minister of State for Agriculture, Senator Heineken Lokpobiri are cheap blackmail, propaganda and baseless fromGovernor Dickson, and urged the people to embrace the change manta because APC is a peace loving party.

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