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The improved condition of the 'witch boy' is a hope towards humanity

February 4, 2017

One year after Anja Ringgren Lovén started her mission to rescue children abandoned after being termed as a witch, the poster boy's health has improved considerably.

Not more than an year ago, Danish human right activist Anja Ringgren Lovén and her husband started a mission to rescue thousands of children branded of being a witch.

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The poster boy of the cause, whom Loven now calls 'Hope' was visibly fragile. Starving for weeks, the child was probably on the verge of being perished. However, the help now only saved his life and made him healthier, the kids now goes to school. This promises a better future for him and others of his like.

The story behind naming the child Hope, as described by Loven is, “I chose to call him Hope, because right now, we’re all hoping that he survives. [He was] in a village, naked, alone and almost dead.”

Then she shared a photo of her giving water to Hope and the picture became viral. This helped in crowd funding for the program. She declared of the succes on her Facbook page.

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