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COVID-19: Recovery Rate In Africa Increases After Lifting Restrictions

Between Monday, May 25 and June 8, the number of persons who have recovered from the virus had jumped by 3.8 per cent from 40.7 to 43.8 per cent.

Despite the move by governments across Africa to lift the restrictions that had forced their economies to stay locked up, an analysis of COVID-19 figures from the John Hopkins University and Africa CDC, indicates that there is an increase in recoveries among infected patients. 

Between Monday, May 25 and June 8, the number of persons who have recovered from the virus had jumped by 3.8 per cent from 40.7 to 43.8 per cent.

Africa has seen the number of infected persons in the continent rise to 189,559, 82,985 of whom have recovered. 


South America, which was behind the African continent on 38.2 percent, has now soared past it by 8.6 per cent to 46.4 per cent.

The number of infected persons in the continent has skyrocketed from over 600,000 to more than 1.1m persons; 531,548 have, however, recovered.

The largest leap was made in North America, where there was an increase of 10.9 per cent in recoveries from the 29.9 per cent recorded on Monday, May 25.

More than 2.282m people in the continent, most of who are from the USA, have come down with the virus but 135,758 have put the pandemic behind them.

The figures from Europe reflect the confidence of governments in the country to restart sporting activities and gradually open up the economy. The percentage of recovered persons in the continent is now more than the percentage of active cases, with 51.7 per cent of all confirmed cases allowed to return home since the first patient was reported in Italy. The continent has recorded over 2.09m positive cases, with more than 1.08m of them testing negative.

In Asia, the number of infected persons has now passed 1m. Less than half of them are active cases, as 60.2 per cent or 823,793 of them, have been given a clean bill of health.

The success of the Oceanian continent is mirrored in New Zealand, whose country is ready to welcome foreigners after reaching zero COVID-19 cases. The entire continent has recorded just 8,875 cases and 93.4 per cent or 8,293 have regained their faculties.

On the death rate, the number of persons contracting the virus and dying from it in Africa has reduced slightly to 2.7 per cent of patients. This is far lower than the 8.6 per cent rate of death the virus has caused in Europe.

The virus still has a number in North America, where almost 6 per cent of all victims have lost their lives. South America has also reduced the percentage of lost lives from the virus from 5 to 4.5 per cent.

Only Asia, which has a 2.6 per cent death rate and Oceania where there is a 1.4 per cent rate of mortality, have better survival rates from COVID-19 than Africa.
