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Shariah Court Orders Probe Of APC Musician, Rarara For Featuring Married Woman In Music Video

December 23, 2020

The court also directed that Maryam and the singer’s producer, Abubakar Maishada, be investigated for the roles they played in the matter.

A Shariah Court in Kano has ordered the Police to investigate President Muhammadu Buhari’s praise singer and popular musician for the All Progressives Congress, Dauda Kahutu, popularly known as Rarara, for featuring a 20-year-old married woman, Maryam Muhammad, in one of his music videos.

The court also directed that Maryam and the singer’s producer, Abubakar Maishada, be investigated for the roles they played in the matter.


The woman’s husband, Abdulkadir Inuwa, had filed a suit before the court, alleging that the singer eloped with his wife and featured her in a recent music video, titled, ‘Jihata, Jihata ce.’

The judge, Sarki Yola, said the court could not dismiss the suit instituted by Inuwa, on the claims that the singer was not aware of her marital status, and therefore asked the Divisional Police Officer, Kwali Police Station to investigate the matter and present his findings to the court.

Maryam, who is married to Inuwa, allegedly left home few months after her marriage, without the knowledge of her husband before surfacing in the said video.

Counsel for Rarara asked the court to dismiss the case, as no investigation had been done by the police on the claims of the husband but the judge asked the police to summon the singer and his producer with a view to investigating the veracity of the claims.