There are obvious similarities between the Nazi agenda for Germany and Europe, and what the Caliphate Agenda has in store for Nigeria.
If the hate-filled Nazis had not been indigenous to Germany, it is certain they would have been shipped back to their ancestral homeland given all the death and damage they had deliberately caused.
Since they were indigenous to Europe, after the Nazis surrendered in May 1945, the allies had to ensure that their destructive racist superiority notions would be permanently kept down by the decisions taken at the Yalta Conference which included the division of Germany and Berlin into four occupational zones controlled by the United States, Britain, France and the Soviet Union.

There are obvious similarities between the Nazi agenda for Germany and Europe, and what the Caliphate Agenda has in store for Nigeria. However, there is also a big difference. The Nazis were indigenous people, whereas the Fulani to whom the Caliphate Agenda belongs, are immigrants and settlers in Nigeria. The Caliphate Agenda was confidently revealed by Ahmadu Bello, a Fulani, and the Premier of the Northern Region, in 1960, just twelve days after Independence from British colonialism. Bello’s hate-filled Caliphate Agenda like the Nazi Agenda, was a plot for social collapse and an ethno-racist new order. The aims of the Caliphate Agenda as revealed by Bello are:
1) That Nigeria would be an “estate” of the Fulani – this means that lands belonging to indigenous peoples will be grabbed, plus through policies, be transferred to the Fulani.
2) Fulani must RUTHLESSLY prevent a change of power.
3) The indigenous peoples of the huge Middle Belt (laid claim by the North) would be “willing tools” – this means they would be manipulated to bring about the Caliphate Agenda.
4) The South would be a “conquered territory” where its indigenous peoples would “never” be allowed “to have control over their future” – this means their self-determination would be hijacked, their resources seized, and no sustainable infrastructure or development be given to them.
In short, Bello’s Caliphate Agenda would bring about an end to the society that indigenous peoples knew before the arrival of the Fulani, and the building of a new one founded on notions of Fulani ethnic and religious superiority, where ancestral lands of indigenous peoples would also now belong to the Fulani immigrants.
Since Buhari’s Fulani-majority regime came to power, Bello’s Caliphate Agenda has moved on at high gear. A Google search will reveal alarms by foreign and Nigerian individuals and organisations on the horrific ongoing genocide against indigenous peoples in the Middle Belt, but spreading southwards, by Fulani militias in league with Islamic terrorists (“bandits”). Here are some comments:
“You must rise to protect yourselves from these people, if you depend on the Armed Forces to protect you, you will all die… This ethnic creasing must stop in Taraba, and it must stop in Nigeria. These killers have been protected by the military, they cover them and you must be watchful to guide and protect yourselves because you have no any other place to go…The ethnic cleansing must stop now otherwise Somalia will be a child play” – Lt-Gen (rtd) T Y Danjuma, Taraba State University, 24 March 2018
“I accuse the regime of President Buhari of Nigeria of complicity with the crimes of Islamist Fulanis” – Bernard-Henri Lévy, Special IRF Roundtable Conversation, 27 October 2021
“If what is happening in Nigeria were happening to nearly any country in Europe, the world would be enraged and engaged.” – Frank Wolf, former U.S. Congressman, Christian Post
“Secretary #Blinken, help! I receive news everyday from my #Nigerian friends. More and more #Christians massacred. More and more #Fulani acting as #BokoHaram, therefore #AlQaïda, proxies. I was on the ground. Documents are in my film, soon available in the US. #BuhariMustGo” – Bernard-Henri Lévy, Tweet (@BHL) August 3, 2021
“For years now, Boko Haram and Muslim Fulani militants have killed, raped, kidnapped, and sought to cleanse parts of northern Nigeria of its Christian population. All the while, the government of Nigeria has embraced a policy of indifference, if not complicity, in what is rightly called “genocide” by observers both inside and outside the country.” – John Stonestreet and Roberto Rivera, Christian Post, 29 August 2020
Nigerians may have been bewildered when Buhari, a Fulani, put his tribesmen to head key ministries and agencies such as security, finance and intel, but no more. They now know that Nigeria is being RESTRUCTURED through genocide, land grab and state terror into an “estate” of the Fulani, so as to create a homeland for them at the expense of the indigenous Owners of the lands.
Bauchi State Governor, Bala Mohammed, a Fulani, in February 2021, pronounced how Fulani (from anywhere in Africa), have a right to any part of Nigeria, and showed “a feeling of Fulani conquest and superintendence over the rest of Nigeria, a belief that other tribes are captives of his ethnic group…”
In 2013, the Fulani lawmaker representing Jigawa State, Farouk Adamu sneeringly claimed on camera that the crude oil resources in the southern states of Bayelsa and Delta belong to Jigawa State in the northern Arewa-Sharia Bloc. He had also threatened, “We shall do everything in our power, even our blood to make sure that we get uninterrupted supply of the oil in Bayelsa and Delta”.
Numerous evidences of the Caliphate Agenda abound such as foisting Fulani settlements on lands taken from indigenous peoples under the guise of “cattle ranches” (RUGA/Livestock Transformation Plan), the highly unpopular National Waterways Bill whereby all waterways, surface and ground waters plus the lands on their banks would come under the control of Central Government;
The audacity of armed Fulani to kill, steal, and destroy is because they feel that they have the approval of a Fulani-majority regime. The audacity of the Fulani ruling elite comes from the imposed illegitimate 1999 Constitution, a forgery that falsely claims it was written by indigenous peoples. It is foolhardy for those actioning Bello’s Caliphate Agenda to keep on thinking that indigenous Owners of the land, now being killed, then dispossessed, with any survivors sent off to IDP camps, would not one day forcefully and successfully resist. Bello’s Caliphate Agenda has therefore spelled the end of (unitary) Nigeria. Those responsible for this needless calamity will be held accountable. Through ethnic and religious superiority ideas, the Fulani have allowed their name to be dragged down, and for it to bring about the same emotions that the word “Nazi” does.
Since that illegitimate 1999 Constitution represents Bello’s Caliphate Agenda, indigenous ethnic nationalities being its intended victims, will see that it gets decommissioned. The NINAS Movement has started that process. It involves halting preparations for general elections in 2023 (which renew the life of that sham 1999 Constitution) to allow for a time-bound Transitional Government where elected politicians would remain in office, and the deadly damage brought about by Bello’s Caliphate Agenda will be cancelled.
Ndidi Uwechue is a British citizen with Igbo heritage from the Lower Niger Bloc. She is a retired Metropolitan (London) Police Officer, she is a signatory to the Constitutional Force Majeure, and she writes from Abuja.