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Nigerian Electoral Commission, INEC Chairman, Yakubu, Other Government Officials Mobilising Thugs To Attack Me And Associates— Sowore

SaharaReporters had exposed how Yakubu secured a second tenure in office after paying huge sums of money to facilitate his reappointment.

Human rights activist, Omoyele Sowore, has accused the Chairman of the Independent National Electoral Commission, Prof Mahmood Yakubu of mobilising thugs to attack him and his close associates.

According to the activist in a tweet on Tuesday, the reason for the planned attack is because he exposed how Yakubu paid N3billion to renew his tenure.


Sowore added that some government officials have also mobilised thugs to attack him for calling on Nigerian youths and students to confront President Muhammadu Buhari’s administration over the ongoing strike by the Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU).

“A new deadly attack on my person and close associates has been planned again, this time by the Chairman of INEC Nigeria, Prof Mahmood Yakubu, his reason was that I exposed that he paid N3b to renew his tenure. He procured boys from Jisiri in Abuja,” he tweeted.

“Also heard another set of persons are being mobilised for attacks on me over my call on Nigerian youths and students to confront the ‪@MBuhari‬ regime over ‪#EndASUUStrike‬. My position remains unchanged, the youths of this country must break the yoke of oppression! ‪#Revolutionnow.”‬

SaharaReporters had exposed how Yakubu secured a second tenure in office after paying huge sums of money to facilitate his reappointment.

According to a top insider, he paid at least N3 billion as bribes to have his tenure as INEC Chairman extended by another five years.[story_link align="left"]86999[/story_link]

“He paid a princely sum of N2bn to a group led by Senate President Ahmad Lawan and another N1bn to another group.

“These huge funds were deployed and mobilised by a civil servant and director in INEC, who is described as wealthy and in charge of a strategic department.

“The director was also aided by a contractor to the commission, Mohammed Sani Musa, who is presently a serving senator from Niger State responsible for the printing of INEC ballot papers used for elections under a company (Activate Technologies),” a source had told SaharaReporters.

It was further gathered that the reappointment of Yakubu as INEC boss was further made possible with the death of President Buhari’s former Chief of Staff, Abba Kyari, and Alhaji Isa Funtua, and the absence of Mamman Daura from public. 

Daura is a key member of a trusted group of allies Buhari relies on before making important decisions.

The absence of these men, it was gathered, created the perfect avenue for powerful government officials with vested interests to persuade the President into handing Yakubu a fresh term in office.